Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Stop Textbook Inflation

Rising textbook prices have been and will continue to be a large scale problem for college students. In the past thirty years the price of books has nearly tripled. Expensive book prices are taking a toll on student's wallets across the nation. Luckily, there is short term solution and a more stable long term solution to this problem.

Last year the average tuition cost of a public college was $6,585 per semester. With college tuition costing almost seven thousand dollars a semester on average, how can college students afford to pay another $400 on books per semester? The answer is that they can't. Even with loans and scholarships, rising book prices are hard to predict. Some college students that have extremely low funds and can't afford paying for required textbooks, while the others continue to purchase books on an extremely tight budget.

The main problem is that many college students are refusing to buy or can't afford their textbooks. If students stop purchasing required books, not only will the students suffer but so will the professors. How would a professor respond if only half of the students in his or her class had the book because of its expensive price? The class couldn't be taught and the university or college would be notified immediately of the crisis.
So what can be done to save money on college textbooks in the short term? The best way to save money is without purchasing is to rent the book. Renting books can be done in the local college library, town library or even some websites. But unfortunately the library isn't convenient for everyone's schedule. Borrowing or trading books would be the next best option; search for the textbook in the most obviously places. Ask friends and family if they have taken that course and happen to have the same book. If no friends or family have the book, start an online group or a local college group to trade books each semester.

If borrowing or trading books isn't an option try to buy them at the cheapest possible cost. Purchasing books online is the most efficient way to save money when starting a new semester. Even international books are recommended, the content of the book is the same while they are sold at almost 90% off of the U.S. retail price. Many local off-campus bookstores also sell textbooks at lower prices than the college's bookstore.
The most efficient long term plan to reduce the cost of textbooks is for students to take action. Many professors will take into account the price of the book they require if a student notifies the professor ahead of time. Further actions can be taken by looking into local legislation. Call local representative's today and tell them something must be done. For example: Connecticut recently passed a law to disclose prices and history revisions of textbooks to faculty.

Textbook prices are a very serious problem for college students today. College students are struggling to pay the extra amount needed per semester, and there grades are suffering from it. Short and long term solutions can both be used to combat in the inflation or textbook prices.

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