Wow, I have to say this is the best game ever made. It inspired me to go and do a great many things. I went and learned to play the harmonica, which was great. I didn't know all you had to do was blow into it and it makes such a nice sound. Now I play the harmonica to all of my favorite songs while I'm driving my brand new pickup truck with a pretentious amount of hay in the bed. I want to get a horse so I actually have a good use for all of the hay, but it's still useful for when you take your cousin out on a date and things get strange. The only place that even has horses around my area is about 60 miles away, and that's a long way for me to drive in my V8 pickup, this video game didn't tell me what to do when my lips got dry on the harmonica. But I guess that's what cousins are for, right?
Anyway, I just wanted to personally thank all of the artists that sing this country music, they really know what it's like to live in the country, they have it so different from people who grow up in the city. For instance, did you know they have romantic issues? I thought that was so cool. They also smoke and drink when they have problems, too - I've never even heard of that until I bought this game! I bet these people actually live in ranch houses and have cows and stiff. The game has changed my life so much that I'm practicing my southern drawl and I'm going to move into a trailer next week, it's so exciting!
Anyway, in closing, I don't even know what a tractor is, but as soon as I find one, I'll get one.Get more detail about Rock Band: Country Track Pack.